Sunday, June 13, 2010

Still hearing crickets

It's month two on Match and I just have to make contact with one more new candidate in order to meet the guarantee guidelines, so I'm good there. Other than hearing a lot of crickets chirping in the background there is precious little to report.

I did get some interesting emails this past week that I don't quite know what to make of. They were from gentlemen from the U.S. who claim to be looking for someone special and are willing to relocate anywhere for love. They come on real strong during initial contact by saying things like "Hello Princess...your profile touched my heart...I'm interested in getting to know you", and "let's hang out spending time with good stimulating conversation doing all kinds of fun & exciting things as sharing our fantasies together" (there was a slight language/cultural barrier with that latter candidate). One of the men had a hidden profile so I wasn't able to learn anything about him beyond what he said in his email...very suspicious. I sent them both my regrets.

This profile has now been viewed 320 times.

As for Lava...a few nibbles here and there mainly in the form of smiles and the odd IM from browsers, but nothing significant has taken hold just yet. I've been checking out The Party from time to time, and my popularity score is over 3,500...whatever that means!

Total profile views on Lava now at 103.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Bending The Rules?

At the end of last week I made a decision to make it known to some of my candidates on Match that I was interested. This goes against The Rules and my better judgement, but you see I had no choice.

Doing this involved clicking the YES button underneath the question Are You Interested? for the profile of one of my Daily 5 matches. Up until now I had been clicking MAYBE, as I didn't want to seem too eager; however I am wondering if that has kept me off the radar of these gentlemen, as when you click YES you will show up under the They're Interested link on their profile. This would make a woman, who might have seemed unattainable otherwise, more approachable to a guy.

I am hoping it will prompt them to reach out to me, as I need to make sure that I am connecting with five people each month in order to keep to the regulations of the six-month guarantee. The guarantee states that if I don't find 'someone special' within the first six months I get the next six months for free. However since initiating contact is strictly forbidden in The Rules, I won't be able to keep to the guarantee restrictions if I don't have more people contacting me.

So today I grabbed a hot cup of chai tea and settled in front of the computer to see if there were any lobsters in my trap. No such luck.

Will Ms C have to bend The Rules to find love? Stay tuned to find out!

Friday, June 4, 2010

Too really, I am

One of the primary concepts within The Rules is to not be too available. This is why we don't accept a Saturday night date after Wednesday. Saturday night being the most important night of the week, it only stands to reason that a Rules Girl is going to have most of her Saturday nights booked up well in advance.

Tonight I received a message from one of my Match contacts that I thought had dropped off the face of the planet as he simply stopped contacting me. His email today said that he was sorry to have not responded to my last email, but that he had been out of town, and would I have time to meet with him sometime over the weekend?

Of course I can't as I already have plans...and I didn't even have to lie about it!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Nothing new to report today, I'm afraid. The only suitor still in the game is the eager science professor who can't take a hint.

The calm before the storm, perhaps? Let's hope so.

Overall I'm finding much better prospects on Lavalife than Match. However the Match people seem more likely to email you than the Lava people...who prefer to just 'wink' and instant message you instead of being official. I absolutely refuse to sign up on any more sites merely out of boredom. Besides if I don't find 'someone special' on Match within six months from signing up, I get another six months for free, provided I'm following their guidelines, which so far I am.

I am contemplating signing up for a singles boat cruise in July with A, another single friend of mine. Apparently this cruise sells out every year, so it must be worth it, right?