Saturday, November 10, 2012

"So-and-So wants to meet you"...not

On POF they have a feature called Meet Me that functions and looks a lot like 'Hot or Not'.  Members can view the profile photo of a man or woman and select Yes, No, or Maybe to whether or not they would like to meet that person.  If you choose Yes or Maybe the person in question then receives a notification that So-and-So would like to meet them.

POF tells you that if you spend some time going through and selecting people you'd like to meet it can render better matches to your profile based on your choices, so I went through a few profiles.  Not wanting to appear too interested I refrained from selecting Yes to any of them, opting instead for Maybe.  Then I heard from a couple of these guys, which is how I learned that choosing Maybe is the same as choosing Yes.

To-date there are 125 men that want to 'meet' me...yet not a single one of them have bothered to reach out to me to ask me for a coffee.  So basically it's just a low effort function that allows men an alternative way of interacting passively with women without having to muster up the stones to actually send her a message.

If So-and-So really wants to meet with me and get to know me better, he will find his balls and contact me.  I refuse to be pressured into initiating conversation with a pussy who is afraid to make the first move.

Hmm...plenty of fish, you say?
However I realize this most likely means I will spend many more Saturday nights at home with my cat.

Monday, November 5, 2012

if you don't look like your picture chances are I will be drinking heavily until you do

Ah the joys of dating in a virtual world where we can pretend to be whomever we want!

About two months ago I decided to jump back into the game and created a profile on Plenty of Fish - a site I'd never been on before.  A few of my friends had profiles on this site and were urging me to get on there and try my luck for another round.  With significant reservation, albeit a strong desire to meet someone, I relented.

Not surprisingly I've been only handling messages from men who just want to chat, but have no desire to take things offline and actually meet in person.  Of those who did want to meet, most of them were outside my race (although POF doesn't allow you to opt towards a specific nationality I'm only looking for white males) and desperate to find a mate.  Trying to keep an open mind I went for coffee with a couple of these fellows, only to have a boring and awkward meeting during which absolutely no sparks flew and I couldn't wait for it to end.

I did manage to snag a half-decent white guy for two dates, but he stopped contacting me when it looked like things were going really well.  Par for the course it seems!

why you'll never get a response from me to your online dating profile

Because of your main profile photo, you idiot...

Saturday, February 25, 2012

...and another thing

Yesterday was also my sis-in-law's birthday. She's my ex-husband's sister and lives at the other end of the country, so we're not best friends or anything. However we are Facebook friends, and I didn't post birthday wishes on her wall on principle; she has a husband of 20 years who is still deeply in love with her and professed his feelings on FB for all to see. Men like that are a dying breed, and I'm pretty sure she snagged the last one.

I hate her.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Turning Japanese

Behold I have discovered the Secret to attracting a single white male in the city of Toronto...all I have to do is change my race to ASIAN.

Seriously. It's a ridiculous and incredibly frustrating fact that you can't swing a dead cat in this city without hitting a white guy/Asian girl couple. It's left me scratching my fair haired head. Are Asian women really that much more attractive than us white chicks? What is it that has white guys of all ages going ga-ga over them? And, more importantly, how can we right the issue?

Here is one man's take. I wonder how many other white guys would agree with him?