Sunday, May 16, 2010

Intro: The reason for Single Files

Hello, and thank you for stopping by!

The purpose of this blog is to document my experiences in the Dating Game, as I have made the decision to put myself back on the market after over two years of (blissful) singledom. I thought that it might be fun to blog about my experiences, and informative in the event that anyone out there in cyberspace might be interested in reading about them. In addition I find that writing helps clear the mind allowing one to see things in a different light.

Truth be told I have kept journals since I was a very young girl.

I realize this is not a novel blog idea, and that it has likely been done hundreds of times before, however I plan on doing this with all seriousness, and closely following The Rules as I go. I want to prove to myself, and others, that lasting happiness in a relationship IS possible as long as you play the game correctly. Sorry folks...if I've learned anything in my forty years, it's that it is a much as we all hate to admit it.

My ultimate objective is to find my ideal life partner/significant other/soul mate without having to 'settle'. I plan on taking however long it takes to make this happen using all the patience, determination and serenity I can muster.

For those of you who aren't savvy, there are 25 Rules for Online Dating...

  1. Don't answer men's ads or email them first
  2. Create a good screen name
  3. Less is more when writing your ad
  4. Post a smiling photo
  5. Wait 24 hours to respond
  6. Don't answer on weekends or holidays
  7. Write light and breezy emails
  8. Block yourself from instant messages
  9. Rules for chat rooms
  10. Don't volunteer your phone number first
  11. If he doesn't ask you out within four emails, delete/next!
  12. Screen out Mr. Wrong
  13. Don't waste your time on timewasters
  14. Don't force the relationship from email to phone
  15. Put safety first
  16. Don't ad-interrogate on dates
  17. Don't have sex on dates one, two or three
  18. 'Disappear' in between dates
  19. Keep your ad up until you are exclusive
  20. Don't get caught up in online fantasy relationships
  21. Never date a married man, even online
  22. Don't ruin your real-life relationship over on online flirtation
  23. Don't be jealous of non-Rules Girls online
  24. Journal your online dating experiences
  25. Don't break or bend The Rules online - even a little bit

    Wish me luck!

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