Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Travelling Daters

My Lava candidate, B, has just sent me SEM #3 (Stupid Email Message), to which I replied as per Rule #5. It consisted of two lines with no signoff or signature, which is a format he seems to favour. He has been in South America for the past ten days and is returning home tomorrow. This is the second travelling dater I have been in contact with, and I'm wondering if there's a trend here. Are men more likely to use online dating sites when they are on the road?

At this point I have no idea whatsoever how serious he is. His emails are quite bizarre...

Message #1
You pic is nice - I'm looking for a golf buddy (seriously) - do you play often? What better way to get to know someone than over 18 holes - yes? Please check out my profile - if you're interested drop me a line.
My Response
Hi B,
I agree that a round of golf would be a great way to get to know someone. I haven't been out yet this season, and I'm dying to shake off the cobwebs, just been too busy! Gonna try to hit the driving range today - it's gorgeous outside!

Message #2
Did you get to the range?
My Response
LOL no! Got caught up on some much needed yardwork!

Message #3
I heard its really nice at home right now - I am in Lima. Have been in Peru for about 10 days - leaving tonight.
My Response
Temps are going to hit record highs this week they say. It's quite fantastic. Looking forward to some patio time!

My other traveller, O, the science professor on a business trip in California, is also home now and has reached out to me again after my silence after his last SEM. He wants to get together when I am in his area (read: he has no intention of putting in any effort to travel to see me). I live about an hour away in the suburbs, and he is in the city. I have to think about this one. It actually puts the ball in my court in that I have to call him to tell him when I'm going to be in Toronto and ask to meet. That dog don't hunt. He must be the one to take the lead on this. I think I'll wait a bit and then reply that I would be interested in meeting, but I won't offer anything further and see how he responds.

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